
Workshop “Forthcoming Construction – Face the Challenges”

You plan to initiate construction of your new building or refurbishment of an office or warehouse?
You have several questions regarding the investment process, the parties involved and budgeting?
You need proven recommendations and the viewpoint of a construction company?

Our member company NEC GROUP plans to gather professional around a workshop “Forthcoming Construction – Face the Challenges”, aiming to provoke discussion on professional topics between all different parties involved in the construction process such as Investors, designers, consultants, project managers, contractors.

If you are interested in the event, please fill the form : EVENT NEC GROUP

As soon as we collect and analyze the data, we would inform accordingly all applied to attend in the event.


  • At NEC GROUP strive to achieve transparent and result oriented approach to Investors and all parties involved in the construction process.
  • In addition to our 12+ experience as a project manager, we have our extensive experience in the refurbishment and construction works.
  • We know how and do take the required financial risk in the construction process as a Contractor with maximum transparency for full control and confidence in decision making for Investor.

In the end of 2023, we at NEC GROUP successfully completed our translon in becoming fully dedicated construction company with focus in refurbishment and construction works.

Today we take pride in:

  • 110 completed construction, refurbishment and fit-out projects.
  • Team capacity to work in up to 10 projects in parallel.

We are aiming projects in all major cities in Bulgaria with focus in Sofia and the region.


  • We assist to the Investor and his team since the earlies project phase by providing engineering “know-how”, critical feedback, effective budgeting and technological specifics.
  • We collaborate in a team manner with the project managers, designers, consultants in a way that the Investor to gain full confidence and understanding of the decisions to be further taken regarding steps, risk budget and timeline. All these are in addition to the service provided by the Project Manager.
  • Participating the early phase, we prove the reason we are onboarded – improve the design and prepare the Investor for construction phase. The value of our services is to be measured in full size in the end of the projects .


The project management is priceless in every single project phase. Based on our experience, we put additional value as:

  • Engineering statements from contractor point of view.
  • Detailed budgeting based on 70+ partners and internal manpower resources.
  • Technological sequence to optimize time schedule, costs and engineering solutions.
  • Maintenance knowledge to improve decision making during the design process.

Need to find us? You can directly e-mail is at office(@)necgroup.bg and mihail(@)necgroup.bg

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