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Michelin stars shine bright in the heart of Sofia, turning ADOR into the Culinary Scene of the Year!

We invite you to an unforgettable gourmet event with French Michelin star guest chef Lionel Levy, President of the prestigious Gourméditerranée association!

Each dish will be harmoniously complemented by an exclusive wine selection of Prince Robert of Luxembourg, while the divine voice of Jacqueline Tarakchi from “The Voice of Bulgaria” will take you on a journey to Southern France.

Experience gastronomic pleasure and discover the taste of the Mediterranean!

  • Price for a 4-course dinner, including amuse-bouche and exclusive champagne: 250 BGN per person
  • Price for a specially selected wine pairing: 100 BGN per person

Make your reservation now!


Tel: +35987 734 0000




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