За камарата

Eight Bilateral Chambers sent a joint Open Letter to the Political Elite of Bulgaria

They appeal before the political parties and MPs for their responsible statesmanship and urgent action for the benefit of the Bulgarian society and the future of this country. "At this critical time for our country, the responsibility for making the right decisions lies with all of you who represent the will of the people," - says the letter.

They call for political consensus on the following major topics:

- Principles of Democracy and Rule of Law:
- Human Rights and Freedoms:
- Economic Development and Social Justice:

"We call on all political parties and leaders for dialogue, constructiveness, and clear priorities in forming a government. The business expects stability and predictability, which can only be achieved through joint efforts and compromise."

American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria
Belgium Bulgaria Luxembourg Business Club
British Bulgarian Business Association (BBBA)
Bulgarian-Spanish Chamber of Commerce
Bulgarian-Swiss Chamber of Commerce
Confindustria Bulgaria
CCI France Bulgarie
AHK Bulgarien (German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce)

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