
Francois Debergh, Veolia: Our efforts are focused on water and energy efficiency

"In fact, Veolia has always tried to contribute to human progress – with the management of water, waste, energy, all key activities for societies. In the coming decades, we will continue to help people, businesses, cities, but with an even more responsible mission – to decarbonize, to reverse the pollution process, to conserve and regenerate the natural resources. We will have more than ever technologies and innovation to help us, but we will be working in a much more challenging environment due to climate change and resource depletion. Some data in this regard are already frightening - a serious proportion of people even in Europe and the developed world experience water stress at least once a year."

What else did Francois Debergh, Director for Bulgaria and Greece, say in his interview for the newspaper. Capital, you can read here.

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